Thursday, December 26, 2013

2013 in Review

This year was a difficult one for me. Very busy at work and at home. Life events took place, difficult to deal with, now unpleasant things belong to the past and I move on.

I have some accomplishments in weaving, knitting, machine knitting. I did not document much. Shawls are unblocked, things were finished and sent away before I took  pictures. Other things got made and unraveled. I knit three cardigans, two by hand, several by machine and ripped them all. I love the yarn but I hated the results so out they came and the yarn re-purposed. I also ripped Flying Geese, I had knit it several years back, I love the yarn but the sweater was too large and bulky. The yarn was skeined and washed and is now ready to start another *more project.

I also knit Viajante, a huge shawl/cowl type thing with Mountain Colors Lace yarn, all 1200 yards got ripped after I tried it on and it felt like a straight jacket. Out it went to the frog pond right then and there. The whole knitting/ripping process felt like undoing mistakes, maybe it was a message I was sending myself to set things right in my world.

Ripping and regrets are over, now I move on. Optimistic with a lovely light shinning ahead for me. There is nothing new, but there is hope in my heart, projects to complete, shuttles flying, wheels spinning and needles clicking.

In all I worked on
Shawl with mercerized cotton and Tencel.
Towels with unmercerized cotton

Not much in spinning other than a few skeins of silk on the wheel and few yards on the spindles.

The above mentioned cardigans, and shawls that now live on the other side of the frog pond, and also:
violettes et muscaris
Gwendolen Drops Jacket with cables and shawl collar
Olga's Indiski (Indian) Shawl

Machine Knitting:
All the ripped stuff that is now back in skeins
Sideways T

The shuttles are out , several edgings and necklaces were finished and sent away. I have a fan in mind with thread and fan sticks ready to go.

On the needles:
Reversible Cabled-Rib Shawl

I have yarn for several projects, lots of weaving, and spinning.

As we  move on, I am looking towards 2014 as a more productive year. I might even get back to the embroidery machine.

Knit On! Spin Happy!  Full steam ahead!


Laurel said...

You are much braver than I am to frog so much stuff!
Here's to new beginnings and a happy 2014.


Lorette said...

Here's to new beginnings! And don't fret if nobody comments, or not much. I think FB and Ravelry have grabbed so much attention from crafters that nobody has time to comment. I think they still read--