Thursday, September 16, 2010

Machine Knitters Dreams come true

This is what we have been doing with the money you helped up get.

Thank you!


fleegle said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work...touching to see the joy in the faces of these young people. Thank you, Laritza, for all that you do.


Jane said...

Laritza, thank you for posting this on your website.

$150 pays for one month's worth of yarn and supplies.

$250 pays for one month's worth of couture knitting instruction.

$900 pays for one refurbished machine.

We love our supporters. YOU are helping us make a difference. We don't take a salary for doing this: 98% of the donation money goes toward the program. Thank you!

Jane said...

Please become a member of the Friends of Colombian Orphans group on Facebook to keep up with what we are doing.
