Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spindle Bags!


A while back I said I was making spindle bags, life got in the way and the project was set aside for a while.

Now I am presenting the ultimate, clever, hard case, lined, sturdy lovely design!

I am quite pleased with the little bags. To see more, head on over to my Yorksett Arts & Crafts on Etsy.

Spindle Bag top

No more broken spindles ever!

Spindle Bag closure

ETA: The tin cans are 10.5 inches long and will fit one of the Spanish Peacock's mini Russians. Standing straight up about 1/4 inch sticks out of the can, but if you lean it goes right in. The largest whorl that will fit is 3 inches in diameter.
The bag is 6 inches longer than the can. I can make longer containers, cardboard, like in mailing tubes cut to size. Another container that I can line are the oatmeal as in Quaker oatmeal ones. But I am a bit hesitant to use those because insects might get attracted by the oatmeal. The ones from dishwasher soap, the little bars that go in the dishwasher? those are also wider but shorter than the oatmeal ones.


fleegle said...

Im going now. But do you have any for tall, skinny Russians and Tibetans?

Lorette said...

Brilliant. One just might be on the way to me...