Thursday, September 04, 2008

An award for me!

Look what I got from the wonderful Fleegle who has the most exquisite taste all around, not only that but she knits with a spider, rides camels and washes tigers!
The rules:

1. Post this award on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 4 other bloggers, and add their links as well.
4. leave a comment at the new recipients' blogs, so they can pass it on.

Check list:
1. Done
2. Done x 4
3. This is the hard one because there are so many wonderful blogs out there!
4. My award goes to:

Leigh's Fiber Journal. For those interested in the tech and not tech parts of spinning weaving and all related

The Cabled Sheep it amazes me the things she finds in Salt Lake City and her creativity!

A Sheep in Wools Clothing Diane is not only a wonderful fiber artist but also an animal lover like me.

The SABLE stasher! The wonderful and forever creative Junie!

Woven ~N~Spun The great weaver, spinner, knitter, spinner and mom!

There are many other great blogs but I better let someone else award the prize.


Cheryl S. said...

Why thank you so much! I don't know how I'm going to choose only 4 others for an award!

Leigh said...

Thank you Laritza! I am very honored. You've named some blogs I'm not familiar with; I enjoy that part especially!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Laritza! I am delighted with the award. You are right, it is hard to pick just 4.

Thanks Dear.